Textile Artist


Summer 2023
Governors Island Residency

I was selected to be an Art Fellow Resident with Transborder Art on Governors Island for the month of June. I hosted visitors in my studio on Colonels Row several days a week, along with the other residents in our house.

My project proposal was to utilize the sizeable wall space by creating a large scale, modular cityscape. Usually, my works are attached fabric constructions. For this piece I made each part of the scene separately, allowing for endless combinations. The brief stop motion movie below captures the components coming together in one possible configuration.


Modular Cityscape, 44” x 86”, fabric, batting and paint with hand quilting and appliqué


Summer 2022 & 2023
Openings Residency

I was fortunate to be a part of the Openings Residency program in Lake George, NY in July. This allowed me to focus intensely on smaller scale projects. In both instances, I worked on handmade books. The first year I added to an ongoing series of cityscape tunnel books. This past summer, I attempted new work, an accordion book inspired by my modular textile pieces on Governors Island.


Cityscape, ink on paper, 4½” x 10” x 4”